Master Mason Degree
There will be a Master Mason degree for one candidate held on 1/26/23 @ 7PM. Dinner will precede the meeting @ 6PM.
Oxford Masonic Lodge No. 67 F.&A.M.
Chartered January 14, 1823
There will be a Master Mason degree for one candidate held on 1/26/23 @ 7PM. Dinner will precede the meeting @ 6PM.
A Pro-Tem Fellow Craft Degree will be held at 7PM. Light refreshments will precede the meeting at 6PM.
A Fellow Craft Degree for one candidate will be held @ 7PM. Dinner will precede the meeting @ 6PM.
Our Annual inspection will be held this evening in the Entered Apprentice Degree. Dinner will precede the meeting @ 6PM. There is no cost for the dinner, however we are …