Grand Lodge of Ohio annual business session

The Grand Lodge of Ohio will hold its annual business session at the Kahlahari Resort in Sandusky Ohio on October 12 and October 13.  Grand Lodge will open at 8AM on Friday and Saturday, with the new Grand Lodge Officers being installed at 11PM on Saturday.  New DEO's and DDGM's will also receive their commissions

Fall DOA Meeting at the DMC

Dayton Masonic Center 525 West Riverview Avenue, Dayton, OH, United States

The Fall meeting of the Second District Officers Association will be on Friday, October 26, 2018, 7:00 pm, at the Dayton Masonic Center, Third Floor – Commandry Asylum. The Installation Ceremony will be extra special this year as it will not only be for Second District Officers, but also the District Education Officers and District

Annual Meeting and Election of Officers

Oxford Masonic Temple 1-1/2 East High Street, Oxford, OH, United States

The annual meeting of Oxford Lodge will be held on 11-1-2018 at 7:30 PM.  Dinner will precede the meeting at 6:30 PM.  The officers for 2019 will be elected tonight.

Stated Meeting/Pre-Inspection

Oxford Lodge first Stated Meeting of 2019 will be this Thursday 1-3-19 at 7:30 PM.  Dinner will precede the meeting at 6:30PM.  Officers please bring any lodge owned rituals and code books for our Pre-inspection.  Pre-inspection will begin at 6PM; the WM, Wardens, Secretary and Treasurer should be present for the Pre-inspection.

Senior Service Award night

Oxford Lodge will hold our annual Senior Service award night on 1-12-19. Dinner will be served at 6PM with the award ceremony beginning at 7PM. Friends and Family are welcome to attend.

District Officers Association Winter Meeting

The Second Masonic District Officers Association will hold their Winter meeting at Vandalia Lodge No. 742 at 7PM on 1-29-19.  All Second district lodges are required to be represented.

Stated Meeting

Oxford Lodge Stated Meeting 2-7-19 at 7:30PM

Snow Lodge No. 193 Inspection

Our Friends and Brothers of Snow Lodge No. 193 in Harrison will hold their annual inspection in the Master Mason degree on Saturday evening 2-9-2019.  Dinner will precede the inspection at 6PM with the meeting beginning promptly at 7PM.  Dress is Coat and Tie.  

Stated Meeting 3-7-19

The March Stated meeting will be held on 3-7-19, as always dinner will precede the meeting at 6PM.

Oxford Lodge Inspection 3-28-19

Oxford Lodge will hold our annual inspection in the Master Mason degree on 3-28-19 and will be Celtic attire for the Officers.  Dinner will be served at 6PM with the inspection beginning promptly at 7PM.

Stated Meeting

Oxford Masonic Temple 1-1/2 East High Street, Oxford, OH, United States

Stated Meeting at 7:30 PM. Dinner will be served at 6:30PM.

Virtual Stated Meeting

Virtual Zoom

There will be a Virtual Stated meeting of Oxford Lodge on 12/3/2020 at 7:30 PM. Those who are registered Grandview users have already been provided with a link to the meeting. If you are a member of Oxford Lodge and you would like to join the meeting, please email the lodge secretary at: After