Master Mason Degree

Oxford Masonic Temple 1-1/2 East High Street, Oxford, OH, United States

A Master Mason Degree will be held for one candidate. Dinner will precede the meeting at 6PM with the Lodge opening at 7PM. Please come out and support our newest Master Mason.


Oxford Masonic Temple 1-1/2 East High Street, Oxford, OH, United States

Oxford Lodge No. 67 will hold a More Light Night on Thursday May 17th, there will be a dinner prior to the meeting at 6PM limited to 50. Guest Speaker: Major Bob Kasprzak, USAF (retired) will display his collection of WW1 artifacts and discuss the Pilots and Personalities of the 28th Aero Squadron. The LEO

Master Mason Degree

A Master Mason degree will be held this evening for one candidate.  Dinner will precede the meeting at 6PM. Degree work will begin promptly at 7PM.

Stated Meeting

Stated meeting of Oxford Lodge. Dinner will precede the meeting at 6:30PM. Meeting will begin promptly at 7:30PM.

Fellow Craft Degree

A fellow craft degree will be held this evening for one candidate.  Dinner will precede the meeting at 6PM. Degree work will begin promptly at 7PM.

Master Mason degree at Washington Lodge No. 17

Hamilton Masonic Temple 724 High Street, Hamilton, OH

Washington Lodge No. 17 will hold a Master Mason degree on Wednesday evening June 20th.  Refreshments will be served after the degree work. The Worshipful Master is requesting help from any available Master Masons for the Craft Team.


Oxford Lodge will have it's annual outdoor raising on August 18, 2018. Lodge will open at 10AM and is for Master Masons only. Please remember to bring your dues card, lawn chair, apron, and a hearty appetite!!  


Brethren all, Oxford Lodge will host a Bus trip to Rush Kentucky on September 15th, 2018 for the conferral of the Horse Trader's and Confidence degree at Rush Lodge 715.  This year we have decided to ride in style and have selected Baron's Bus as our travel arrangements.  Barons Bus is "The Cadillac of Busses"


Entered Apprentice Degree

Oxford Masonic Temple 1-1/2 East High Street, Oxford, OH, United States

An Entered Apprentice degree will be held for one candidate on Saturday 9/29 at 7PM.  Dinner will precede the meeting at 6PM.

Stated Meeting

Oxford Masonic Temple 1-1/2 East High Street, Oxford, OH, United States

October Stated meeting will be on 10/4/18.  Dinner will precede the meeting at 6:30PM with the business meeting beginning promptly at 7:30 PM.

Grand Lodge of Ohio annual business session

The Grand Lodge of Ohio will hold its annual business session at the Kahlahari Resort in Sandusky Ohio on October 12 and October 13.  Grand Lodge will open at 8AM on Friday and Saturday, with the new Grand Lodge Officers being installed at 11PM on Saturday.  New DEO's and DDGM's will also receive their commissions